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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ahh. Waiting for mum. She's still outside. Using phone to blog now. So bored. Should I continue reading Twilight? Well since i'm bored. HAHAHA.HAHAH.HAHAH. Listening to songs now. Song title's jin tian ni yao jia gei wo. Just finish lol. Now's a.s 's becos of you. I really love that song. Lol. Walao. I feel like going audi spam this song. HAHAHA. So sian. Sitting or is lying.. Ok i'm half sitting and half lying down on the couch. LOL. Wth~. Sian. Shall I sing a song for you all to hear? Err.. Maybe not.. I scared later you all hear alr will faint. COS TOO 'AWESOME'. LOL. OMG. I just realised I was smiling at the phone. LOL! SiaoSiaoSiao. I shall walk to my aunty's room now. I used to sleep there. Lol. Sitting down on chair in front of mirror. OMG.. My aunty was right. She just now ask me comb hair cos messy But idc. I shall comb now. Ahh. I feel faint. Not feel like fainting. Is feel faint k. Comb finish le. Whee. I look so tired. Lol. And my left eye, can see my double eyelid but my right cannot see. -_- I sleep too little nowadays. Lol. My bro just talked to me. LOL. He say I bored just take out my laptop play la. Then I say later I take out, my mum sure call me to go out. Then he look at me from the other room la...and say. You've been thinking that for the past hour. Then I laughed. He say if you took out laptop and play just now, I could have enjoyed for an hour or until now luh. LOL. Now I just stare at my phone. SIAN. Shall publish this post. Lol. See ya. :-D
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